Dashboard IT Sector: Salary

The overview below shows which positions are best paid in the market and what the salaries * of the most requested positions are. Finally, we show the salary * distribution according to the different job levels that are required in the Dutch IT market.

* The salaries that are shown are all gross monthly salaries

Type of PositionLowAverageHigh
Strategic€ 4,691€ 5,863€ 7,035
Tactical€ 2,696€ 4,243€ 5,791
Operational€ 2,620€ 3,870€ 5,120
Top 10 Best Paid PositionsAverage salary
Chief Data Officer€ 7,878
Chief Information Officer€ 6,667
Budget Administrator€ 6,500
Information Manager€ 6,148
Administrator Information Documentary€ 6,018
Security Officer€ 5,846
Enterprise Architect€ 5,819
Resource Manager€ 5,625
Asset Manager€ 5,585
Product Manager€ 5,499
Top 5 Most in Demand PositionsLowAverageHigh
Manager (IT) Operations€ 2,908€ 4,356€ 5,803
Software Engineer€ 3,069€ 4,522€ 5,974
System Administrator€ 2,710€ 3,437€ 4,163
Manager System Development and Administration€ 2,981€ 3,892€ 4,802
Application Consultant€ 3,084€ 4,487€ 5,889


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