
Within organizations, whether it’s in the governmental or private sector, IT departments are massively transforming from a ‘’traditional’’ IT department into a chain of IT facilities that are managed individually. As a result, organizations must restructure itself around domains, platforms and chains to improve its ‘’business-IT alignment’’. In short, many organizations ask the question: How do I set up my organization to ensure that the “business – IT alignment” performs optimally?

We have extensive experience with establishing (chain) governance, implementing required changes and actually making these changes work successfully in the new setup. We operate on the basis of research and best practices that have been proven in practice, such as governance models, chain capacity management, e-CF profiles and sizing of the management organization.

We offer the following services:


  • Transformation and design of ‘’business – IT alignment’’
  • Establishing the governance of digital chains
  • Training and coaching for operating within digital chains

Quality assurance

  • Supervision on implementation of new governance
  • Review of the design and operating effectiveness of the governance structure

Interim Management

  • CIO and IT Management

Common questions from practice

  • Working in digital chains, how?
  • How do I optimally organize my IT organization?
  • Agile or tight process design?
  • I want to train my Product Owners to manage the digital chain (even) better, how?
  • The business speaks in terms of ‘’Epics’’, whereas my IT department thinks in terms of changes. How do I bring these two together?


Contact us to find out how our services can benefit you and/or your organization.